Your Name:

Apophis: What should be done?

Answer the following questions based on what you have learned in class
about asteroids, meteor impacts, Apophis, and methods of asteroid deflection.
Be prepared to discuss your answers with the class.

  1. Do you think it is likely the Earth will be hit by a large meteor—one that would cause widespread destruction—in your lifetime? Why or why not? Justify your answer with one or more examples from the materials you viewed in class.

  2. Do you think enough is being done to find and identify possible threats from meteoroid impacts? Why or why not? Justify your answer with one or more examples from the materials you viewed in class.

  3. Asteroid and comet strikes of the Earth are common and large objects hit the Earth with disturbing regularity across the geological history of the planet. Humans can’t stop natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, floods, or ice storms. Is there any point in trying to prevent the Earth being struck by a large asteroid? Justify your answer with one or more examples from the materials you viewed in class.

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  1. If the people of Earth decided that it was necessary to deflect an asteroid to prevent it from striking the Earth what is the most effective method for doing so? Should we employ a gravitational tractor? Nuclear bombs? Attaching rockets to the asteroid? Using solar sails? Using a giant heat ray? Justify your answer with one or more examples from the materials you viewed in class.

  2. Of the methods for deflecting asteroids mentioned above, which one is within our current technological capability? Justify your answer with one or more examples from the materials you viewed in class.
Asteroids, Part I
Asteroids, Part II
Asteroids, Part III
Asteroid Facts Worksheet
NASA News Release about Apophis
Last updated: Dec 10, 2009        Home