Your Name:

The Pluto Files

Answer the following questions about the video you watched in class.
Refer to the handout included with these questions detailing the resolution
of the IAU (the International Astronomical Union), which “demoted” Pluto from planet status.

  1. What is a planet, in your opinion? Your opinion should be informed by the discussion in the video.
  2. What other objects in the solar system used to be considered planets but are no longer? Why?
  3. Is it scientifically relevant that people are emotionally attached to the idea of Pluto being a planet? Why or why not?
  4. What relevance to Pluto’s status as a planet does the fact that other bodies, some larger than Pluto, have been found in its orbital neighborhood?
  5. Was the Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History in New York City justified in classifying Pluto with the various ‘icy bodies’ rather than with the planets?
  6. Is there some justice in the idea of coming up with a better system of classification for objects in the solar system and objects orbiting other stars? Why or why not?
  7. Should Pluto be called a planet or not? Justify your answer.
See the Pluto Files page at: >
Last updated: Mar 23, 2010        Home