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Global Climate Change

Note: These questions go along with information found at the following sites:
US EPA on Climate Change
Global Warming and Climate Change By researchers at Carnegie Mellon University Published in 1994
See also the Greenhouse Applet at this page
A useful GHG emission calculator can be found here EPA Greenhouse Gas Calculator (also available as an Excel spreadsheet)
Another useful tool (ClimateCHECK) for estimating the school’s contribution to Greenhouse Gas emissions can be downloaded from EPA on their School page

Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Rephrase the question as part of your answer.

For example, Question: What is your cat’s name? Answer: My cat’s name is Fred.

  1. What is the difference between climate and weather?
  2. What is the primary cause of global warming?
  3. Why has the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere risen from 315 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1958 to 380 ppm in 2004?
  4. How does a greenhouse keep the inside warmer than the outside?
  5. How does the addition of carbon dioxide to Earth’s atmosphere contribute to a global greenhouse effect?
  6. What other human emissions contribute to global warming?
  7. Is climate change real?

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  1. What human activities contribute to climate change? List each one and explain how it affects the climate.
  2. What might the impacts of global climate change be on people in developed countries like the US or European countries?
  3. What might the impacts of global climate change be on people in undeveloped countries like many in Africa, Asia and South America?
  4. The effects of climate change on nature depends on how fast it happens. Why is that?
  5. What can people do in general to reduce humanity’s impact on the climate?
  6. What specific actions can you take in your own home and with your own transportation to reduce your personal impact on climate change?
  7. Why is recycling an important way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Last updated: Jun 01, 2007       Home