Your Name:

Significant Figures

Perform the following calculations and report answer with the correct number of significant figures. You may use a calculator.

  1. 23 × 11.1
  2. 45.0 ÷ 7.023
  3. 3.14 × 95
  4. (5.67 × 1017) ÷ (4.0 × 1014)
  5. (7.345 × 10–14) × (1.2 × 1030)
  6. 4.73 + 2.5
  7. 1.32 – 0.987
  1. 5,432 – 347.9
  2. (5.43 × 1015) + (2.97 × 1015)
  3. (6.789 × 1021) – (3.2 × 1020)
  4. (3.79 × 2.3) ÷ 4.678
  5. (45.60 + 3.1) – 32.103
  6. (14.67 ÷ 2.34) × 8.7362
  7. (9.563 + 3.12) × 4.5

  1. A student made a series of measurements: 6.54 cm, 6.53 cm, 6.55 cm, 6.5 cm. Report the average of these measurements to the correct number of significant figures.
  2. The distance from the school to a student’s house is 2.7 miles according to their odometer. Convert this distance to inches and report the answer to the correct number of significant figures.
  3. In the previous question what was the number produced by your calculator? Why is it misleading to write down all the digits displayed there?
This homework belongs with the Significant Figures Activity
Last updated: Sep 09, 2013