candle (1K)

Observing a Candle
Sample Images

Objective One

Observations of the Candle

Candle.Lab_001 (657K)

The wick burns, the flame grows, the flame shrinks, the wax melts, and then the flame grows again. After that it stays steady.
Candle.Lab_002 (555K) Candle.Lab_003 (545K) Candle.Lab_004 (546K) Candle.Lab_005 (552K) Candle.Lab_006 (552K) Candle.Lab_007 (548K)

Candles and Fresh Air

Candle.Lab_009 (647K)

Objective Two


Candle.Lab_010.Condensation (713K)

Objective Three

Candles Shrink

Candle.Lab_014.Size.Before.and.After (710K)

Objective Four

The Parts of a Flame

The Clear Part of the Flame
Candle.Lab_011_ClearPartofFlame1 (596K) Candle.Lab_011_ClearPartofFlame2 (655K) Candle.Lab_011_ClearPartofFlame3 (581K)
The Bright Part of the Flame
Candle.Lab_012.BrightPartofFlame1 (632K) Candle.Lab_012.BrightPartofFlame2 (612K)  

Objective Five

Flammable ‘Smoke’ and Jumping Flames

Candle.Lab_13.JumpingFlame1 (550K) Candle.Lab_13.JumpingFlame2 (584K)
Last updated: Jun 16, 2021
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