Format, 10 points possible: Are all of the required sections included? Do they contain the correct content?
Background Knowledge, 30 points possible: Does the student demonstrate a correct understanding of the underlying concepts? Do they express their understanding in their own words? Can the student explain the relevance of the conceptual information to the lab activity?
Lab Results, 40 points possible: Is the lab data included and easy to read? Is the lab data complete? Did the student perform a clear sample calculation (when required)? Did the student analyze their data correctly and report their results clearly? Finally, did the student consider possible sources of error and discuss them?
Style, 10 points possible: style, grammar, spelling, facility with language, skilled use of word processor formatting (correct margins, font, tables, etc.)
Participation, 10 points possible: Was the student present for the lab or make it up? Did the student contribute ideas and help to plan the work? Did the student actually work or simply observe his/her classmates working?
How it Works
For your information:
Scarborough Grade System
85 - 100 Strong
70 - 84 Competent
No credit:
55 - 69 Developing
0 - 54 Failing
On formal lab reports you will see letters that stand for each category above. Adding up the points awarded in each category yields your grade. I assign points based on my assessment of your achievement in each category. For example, if you have a large number of grammatical and spelling errors in addition to formatting your report incorrectly I might assign a grade of 60% for the S category and give 6 out of 10 points.
Late Policy
Lateness is not acceptable unless you were absent and have shown me proper documentation to prove your absence was excused. Arrangements to hand in work missed when absent must be made at the first class meeting upon your return.
Late work is subject to a penalty of 25 points on a 100 point
assignment. Late work will be accepted only within two days of
the original due date. After that it will not be accepted. Incomplete work handed in on time will not be eligible for do-overs. Incomplete work handed in late will not be accepted.