Project: Nuclear Chemistry


For this project you will perform detailed research in order to prepare a ten minute presentation for the class. A visual component is required. Come see me to obtain a permit to use PowerPoint. Standards will be higher for users of PowerPoint.

A paper bibliography is required. This bibliography should show usage of traditional book and magazine sources as well as Internet sources. At least two traditional sources should be consulted. The number of Internet sources is unlimited but should be kept to a few well-regarded, detailed sites. For citing Internet sources, give not only the location of the information used but also the search path. How did you happen across that information, anyway?

Due Date

This project is due Monday, January 8, 2007. Presenters will go in random order: names drawn from a beaker. All projects must be done by 1/8/07 and penalties for lateness will be issued, if necessary.



Total Score: Topic:
Visual Component
1     2     3     4     5 Comments:

depth, background, significance, understands topic
1     2     3     4     5 Comments:

at least 10 min., just reading vs. truly knowledgable,
1     2     3     4     5 Comments:

Other Considerations

Requirements On time Yes No
Paper Bibliography Yes No
At least two non-Internet sources Yes No
Search Path for Internet sources Yes No
For Power point Yes No
(tested, approved)

page break
Your Name:

Nuclear Chemistry Project


World War II

Other Bomb-related


My Search Paths:

Keyword(s) Sites Notes on Content

page break
Your Name:

Nuclear Chemistry Project

My Search Paths:

Keyword(s) Sites Notes on Content

page break

Nuclear Chemistry Project

My Search Paths:

Keyword(s) Sites Notes on Content

The inspiration for this project comes from Dr. R. Lewis of Scarborough HS
Last updated: Dec 20, 2006       Home