Supplement to Lewis Dot Diagrams

Try the activity with 30 practice molecules, which can be found here.

Here is another way to approach things.

  1. Step 1: Count the electron pairs needed
    * Hydrogen wants 1 pair
    * Group II’s want 2 pairs
    * GroupIII’s want 3 pairs
    * Everyone else wants 4 pairs (unless you have an expanded octet)
  2. Step 2: Find the total number of covalent bonds possible
    * Total # of possible covalent bonds = sum of the valence e divided by 2
    * Remember to add or subtract electrons according to any ionic charge
  3. Step 3: Calculate the actual number of covalent bonds
    * Actual C.B.s = step 1 - step 2
    If you don’t get enough bonds to draw the molecule then it’s an expanded octet.
  4. Step 4: Calculate the number of σ bonds, π bonds, and non-bonding pairs
    * # of σ bonds = # of atoms in the molecule - 1
    * # of π bonds = Actual C.B.s (step 3) - # of σ bonds
    * # of non-bonding pairs = possible C.B.s (step 2) - Actual C.B.s (step 3)
  5. Step 5: Draw the molecule (Here are some typical examples)

        CH4      NH3     H2O    CO2

step 1: 8    7   6   12

step 2: 4    4   4   8

step 3: 4    3   2   4

step 4:

σ       4    3   2   2

π       0    0   0   2

nbp     0    1   2   4

step 5:
CH4.NH3.H2O.CO2.Lewis.Diagrams (1K)
Attribution for the above supplement is:
Teaching a model for writing Lewis structures
Juan Quilez Pardo
J. Chem. Educ., 1989, 66 (6), p 456
I based my original set of rules for drawing structures on the rules I learned as a student at the University of Southern Maine. I have modified them (May 1, 2012) according to the following JChemEd article:
Lewis structures, formal charge, and oxidation numbers: A more user-friendly approach
John E. Packer and Sheila D. Woodgate
J. Chem. Educ., 1991, 68 (6), p 456
Basic Lewis Diagrams Instructions
Lewis Diagrams Exercises
Home Last Updated: Jun 14, 2013