Upward Bound Chemistry
Summer 2008

Course Overview Documents

UB 2008 Chemistry Overview
Lab Safety Rules (RTF file)
Three-ring Binder Information
Lab Notebook Information
Lab Report Writing Information
Lab Grading Outline (html) How labs are graded

Assignments listed in roughly chronological order:

Math Skills

Group Activity: Scientific Notation (html)
Homework: Scientific Notation
Group Activity: Dimensional Analysis (html)
Homework: Dimensional Analysis

Atomic Structure

We may or may not have time to cover the following material:
Atomic Structure Part I
Atomic Structure Part II


Lab: Observing a Candle (html)
Lab: Glurch and Oobleck
Lab: Salt, Ice and the Coldest Mixture (html)
Lab: Soda Straw Balance (html)

Group Work Defined

Working in small groups to solve problems is a great way to learn science. Here are a few documents to give group work some shape and definition so that it can be a self-regulating learning tool:

Group Work Information
Group Work Evaluation Form
Group Work Presenter Grading Form

A few useful links

Chemistry Links
Periodic Table (PDF) from http://www.webelements.com/ Link goes outside the Scarborough School Department Web Site
Periodic Table Image suitable for printing
Periodic Table colored by groups from http://www.chemicool.com/ Link goes outside the Scarborough School Department Web Site
A Reference Sheet of Common Atomic and Polyatomic Ions
Examples of Chemistry Problems
Vapor Pressure of Water Data
A fully-functional scientific calculator for chemistry including a table of useful constants.
A Partial Bibliography of works consulted
And here’s a useful download: a program that will quickly and easily convert units for you. Download and unzip to use.

Teachers and other Professionals:

This material is copyrighted but I grant permission for in-classroom use. Please give the URL and not copies to other teachers. Only pages directly downloaded may be used, do not distribute paper copies. Requirement for use: send me an email and give me feedback on your success with these materials.
a a r o n . a . k e l l e r [at] g m a i l . c o m
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