Chemistry 2

a.k.a. Tech Chem/Bio

Course Overview Documents

SHS Chemistry 2 Overview
Lab Safety Rules (RTF file)
Three-ring Binder Information
Alternate Grade Scale for Labs/Projects (html)

Assignments listed in roughly chronological order:

First Quarter

Math Skills

Group Activity: SI Conversions 1 (html)
Group Activity: SI Conversions 2 (html)
Dimensional Analysis Notes and Practice (doc)
Group Activity: Dimensional Analysis (html)
Soda Straw Balance Lab (no web document available yet)
Dimensional Analysis Homework (html)
Group Activity: Scientific Notation (html)


Group Activity: Density (html)
Density Lab (PDF)
Lab: Thickness of Al Foil and Diameter of a Cu Wire (html)

Second Quarter

The Periodic Table

Periodic Table (PDF) from
Periodic Table Image suitable for printing
Periodic Table colored by groups
Group Activity: Atomic Structure (html)
Group Activity: Practicing Atomic Structure 1 (html)
Lab: Beans for Protons and Neutrons
Group Activity: Practicing Atomic Structure 2 (html) color the periodic table by groups
Group Activity: Average Atomic Mass
Homework: Average Atomic Mass
Lab: Shapes and the Rutherford Scattering Experiment

Nuclear Chemistry

Group Activity: Alpha and Beta Radiation (html)
Group Activity: Positron and Electron Capture Radiation (html)
Worksheet: Thoughts on the movie Fat Man & Little Boy (html)
Homework: Radiation (html)

Third Quarter

Energy and Matter

Video Questions: Einstein’s Big Idea (NOVA) (html)

The Conservation of Matter

Lab: Conservation of Matter (Citric Acid and Baking Soda) (html)

Electron Structure of Atoms

Group Activity: Atomic Structure, Part II: Electrons (html)
Homework: Atomic Structure II (html)

Chemical Formulas

Group Activity: Chemical Formulas and Compounds (html)
Homework 1: Chemical Formulas and Compounds (html)
Ions Reference Handout (html)


Article about Flatus from ChemMatters

Fourth Quarter

Organic Chemistry Modeling

Activity: Organic Modeling 1 (html)
Assignment: Build the models on the back of the handout (not available electronically). Building all 8 is worth 70%. Each additional model you build is worth 5 points up to a total of 100%.
Activity: Organic Modeling 2 (html)
Article about NASCAR racing from ChemMatters (html)
Project: Research about the Chemistry of NASCAR (html)


Activity: Temperature (html)
Lab: Salt, Ice and the Coldest Mixture (html)

Dialysis: Membranes and Osmosis

Activity: Questions about Kidney Dialysis: The Living Connection from the 4/2001 ChemMatters (html)
Lab: Inquiry into Dialysis (html)

Climate Change

Global Climate Change Questions (html)

Group Work Defined

Working in small groups to solve problems is a great way to learn science. Here are a few documents to give group work some shape and definition so that it can be a self-regulating learning tool:
Group Work Definitions
Group Work Process
Group Work Observer Form
Group Work Recorder Form
Group Work Presenter Grading Form

A few useful links

Chemistry Links
Periodic Table (PDF) from Link goes outside the Scarborough School Department Web Site
Periodic Table Image suitable for printing
Periodic Table colored by groups from Link goes outside the Scarborough School Department Web Site
A Reference Sheet of Common Atomic and Polyatomic Ions
Examples of Chemistry Problems
Vapor Pressure of Water Data
A fully-functional scientific calculator for chemistry including a table of useful constants.
A Partial Bibliography of works consulted
And here’s a useful download: a program that will quickly and easily convert units for you. Download and unzip to use.

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