Working in small groups to solve problems is a great way to learn science. Here are
a few documents to give group work some shape and definition so that it can be a
self-regulating learning tool:
Assignments listed in roughly chronological order:
First Quarter
Math Skills
Group Activity: Scientific Notation (html)
Additional Examples for Scientific Notation (html)
Group Activity: Dimensional Analysis (html)
Lab: Density (html)
Project: Choose your own experiment (html) due Tu 10/16
Dimensional Analysis Homework (html)
Group Activity: Density (html) due F 10/5
Currently working on Chapter 2 in the text as a group activity.
Lab: Observing a Candle due M 10/22
While I am out on paternity leave you will be doing a research project:
Biography of a Famous Scientist First draft due Nov 2
nd. Final draft due date Dec 14
Second Quarter
Preparing for the Lab: the Size of a Molecule
Lab: The Size of a Molecule
Our work on Chapter 2 in the text continues. I anticipate completing that work on or before Tues, Nov 20
th. There will be a test on that material and dimensional analysis on that date.
Graphing Proportions (html) An activity to help students get better at making and interpreting graphs of scientific data.
Boyle’s Law Lab
We will begin work on Chapter 3 in the text during the week of 11/26. Some additional work to help with comprehension of that material:
A lab to help with the concept of molar mass. (not available online)
Group Activity: Intro to Chemical Equations
Group Activity: Stoichiometry Problems (the problems in this activity refer to some of the chemical equations in the Intro to Chemical Equations Activity)
There will be a test on Chapter 3 and related material on Friday 12/21.
Lab: Intro to the Bunsen Burner and the Conservation of Mass (html)
Demo: The Can Crush A demostration of the power of atmospheric pressure and the incredible difference in volume between a liquid and a gas.
We will start chapter 4 in the text during the week we come back from holiday break. The exercises are due 1/7/08. We will work on the following problems at the end of the chapter in class until Tuesday, 1/15/08: 1-3, 5-10, 12, 14, 18, 21-24, 26, 29, 31-33, 35.
For homework, due Tuesday, 1/15/08, do 11, 13, 17, 19, 28, 30, 34.
A lab, not available online, will be done in class on Thursday, 1/10/08.
Third Quarter
We will work on some problems related to the semester exam and a recent lab during the first week.
Group Activity: Temperature (html)
Next we will work on Chapter 5 of the text. All exercises from the chapter should be complete by Monday, February 4th.
In-class problems for Chapter 5: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 23, 25, 26, 32, 34, 38, 43.
Homework problems for Chapter 5: 9, 11, 14, 17, 22, 27, 30, 31, 40
Gas Laws Additional Questions Some further practice applying the gas laws to chemical problems
We will be doing a lab on the Empirical Formula of Iron Oxide (Rust) during the two weeks leading up to the February break.
Lab: Glurch and Oobleck a fun activity in which the properties of colloids and polymers are investigated.
Project: Red Cabbage a project for the third quarter: more at-home chemistry due March 18
Next we will work on Chapter 8 of the text. All exercises from the chapter should be completed by Tuesday, March 13th.
In-class problems for Chapter 8: 3-7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15-24
Additional problems will also be provided from the following activities:
Activity: Average Atomic Mass due Mon 3/24
Activity: Alpha and Beta Radiation
Activity: Positron and Electron Capture Decay with additional information about radiation safety
Activity: Mass Defect, Fission and Fusion
Activity: Half-life
The exam on these topics will be held during the final week of quarter three on Thursday, April 3rd
Fourth Quarter
Chapter 9 Exercises are due Tues 4/8
Chapter 9 in-class problems at the end of the chapter: 1 3 4 5 6 8 12 18 24 26 27 32 34 37
These are due Tues 4/15
Lab: Formula of a Hydrate due Mon April 28
We will start work on Chapter 10 on Mon 4/28: Read the chapter and do the exercises by that date.
Chapter 10 in-class problems at the end of the chapter: 1-6 7 11 13 15 17 18 20 23 28 29
These are due Thurs 5/1
Activity: Chemical Formulas and Compounds we will learn about bonding and ionic compounds
Here is the first
homework assignment that goes with this group activity.
Here is the second
homework assignment that goes with this group activity.
And the
Lab: Solubility of Ionic Solutes due W 5/28
Chapter 11 Exercises done by Tu 5/27
Chapter 11 Problems done by M 6/2: 2-8, 11, 13-17, 19, 20, 22-24, 26-29, 31, 33
Lab: Hydrogen Atom Simulator a computer-lab activity (We will spend one hour of class time on this lab).
Lab: Flame Tests and Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Supplemental Materials, due Th 6/5:
Activity: Light and Atoms
Activity: Electron Configuration
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