Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy

Documents Listed by Topic

Useful information
Astronomy Materials (click here)


Course Home Page, Chemistry 3
Course Home Page, AP Chemistry
Course Overview Documents
Lab Safety Rules (RTF file)
Three-ring Binder Information
Common Lab Report Format (SHS) (Word doc)
Lab Report Writing Information (html)
Lab Grading Outline (html) How labs are graded

Math Skills

Group Activity: Scientific Notation
Additional Examples for Scientific Notation
Homework: Scientific Notation
Group Activity: Dimensional Analysis 4 hrs
Homework 1: Dimensional Analysis
Homework 2: Dimensional Analysis
Group Activity: Metrics, Part I 3 hrs
Group Activity: Metrics, Part II
Homework: Metrics
Square and Cubic Units Construction
Group Activity: Square and Cubic Units 1 hr
Homework: Square and Cubic Units
Group Activity: Size of the Solar System (html)

I no longer use the following:
Group Activity: SI Conversions 1 (html)
Group Activity: SI Conversions 2 (html)
Conversions Homework (PDF)
Activity: Temperature (html)
Conversion Competition (PDF)
Dimensional Analysis Notes and Practice (doc)
Scientific Notation Drill (w/answers) (html)
Group Activity: Scientific Notation and the Mole

Uncertainty, Significant Figures and Measurement

Lab: Measurement and Significant Figures
Group Activity: Measurement Uncertainty (html)
A New Standard for Measurement Activity (PDF)
Group Activity: Significant Figures ID (from ChemTeam) (pdf)
Homework: Significant Figures Identification (html)
Group Activity: Calculations with S.F. (Mult/Div) (html)
Homework: Calculations with S.F. (Mult/Div) (html)
Group Activity: Calculations with S.F. (Add/Sub) (html)
Homework: Calculations with S.F. (Add/Sub) (html)
Homework: Significant Figures Fable (inspired by ChemTeam) (html)

Density and Intensive/Extensive Properties

Group Activity: Density
Homework: Density
Graphing for Density
Lab: Density
Lab: Thickness of Al Foil and Diameter of a Cu Wire
No longer used: Density Lab (PDF)
Lab: The Size of a Molecule
Intensive/Extensive Properties Activity (PDF)

The Periodic Table

Periodic Table (PDF) from
Periodic Table Image suitable for printing
Periodic Table colored by groups
Group Activity: the Periodic Table and Atomic Structure
Homework: Atomic Structure (html)
Older Versions of Atomic Theory:
Group Activity: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table (html)
Group Activity: Atomic Structure (html)
Group Activity: Practicing Atomic Structure 1 (html)
Group Activity: Practicing Atomic Structure 2 (html) color the periodic table by groups
Group Activity: Atomic Structure, Part II: Electrons (html)
Homework: Atomic Structure II (html)
Group Activity: Average Atomic Mass (html)
Homework: Average Atomic Mass (html)
Lab: Atomic Mass and Average Atomic Mass
Lab: Beans for Protons and Neutrons (html)
Lecture Notes: Periodic Trends (html)
Lecture Notes: Creation of the Elements (html)
Demo: Lithium, Sodium, Potassium Reactivity (html)
Pre-lab: Atomic Emission Lamps
Lab: Atomic Emission Lamps
Emission Spectrum Data Recording Page (PDF)
Pre-lab: Flame Tests
Lab: Flame Tests (html)
Group Activity: Electron Configuration (html)
Homework: Electron Configuration (html)
Lab: Electron Configuration (PDF) this activity is courtesy of the University of Souther Maine PLTL program
Lab: Shapes and the Rutherford Scattering Experiment (html)

Nuclear Chemistry

Activity: Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry
I no longer use the following activity because students find it too confusing:
Group Activity: The Table of Isotopes (html)
Homework: The Table of Isotopes (html)
Group Activity: Alpha and Beta Radiation (html)
Group Activity: Positron and Electron Capture Radiation (html)
Homework: Radiation (html)
Lab: Shapes and the Rutherford Scattering Experiment
Group Activity: Half-lives (html)
Worksheet: Thoughts on the movie Fat Man & Little Boy (html)
Project: Nuclear Chemistry (html)
Activity: Mass Defect, Fission and Fusion

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Group Activity: Light
Homework: Light
Additional Problems: Light
Activity: Graphing Wavelength, Frequency and Energy
Other assignments: Find the wavelength of three radio stations
Create an annotated and æsthetically pleasing Electromagnetic Spectrum
Lab: Hydrogen Atom Simulator Pre-lab: Atomic Emission Lamps
Lab: Atomic Emission Lamps
Emission Spectrum Data Recording Page (PDF)
Pre-lab: Flame Tests
Lab: Flame Tests

Elements, Mixtures, and Compounds

Group Activity: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table (html)
Group Activity: Atomic Structure (html)
Group Activity: Practicing Atomic Structure 1 (html)
Group Activity: Practicing Atomic Structure 2 (html) color the periodic table by groups
Group Activity: Atomic Structure, Part II: Electrons (html)
Lecture Notes: Ionic Compounds (html)
Lecture Notes: Naming Ionic Compounds (html)
Group Activity: Naming Ionic Compounds (html)
Lecture Notes: Types of Formulas (html)
Demo: Burning Magnesium (html)
Lab: Iron Cereal Separation (PDF)
Group Activity: Chemical Formulas and Compounds (html)
Lab: Solubility of Salt in Polar and Non-polar Solvents (html)
Homework 1: Chemical Formulas and Compounds (html)
Homework: Using the Ionic Construction Kit (html)
Homework 2: Chemical Formulas and Compounds (html)
Homework 3: Chemical Formulas and Compounds (html)
Ions Reference Handout (html)

The Mole

Lecture Notes: The Mole (html)
Activity: the Mole, Chemical Equations, and Solutions
Group Activity: Scientific Notation and the Mole
Molar Mass Competition (html) or do these as practice
Lab: Iron/Copper Moles (html)

Bonding and Lewis Structures

Activity: Modeling the Molecular Level
Lecture Notes: Covalent Bonding (html)
Lecture Notes: Lewis Structures (html)
How to Draw Lewis Diagrams
Molecules to Draw Lewis Diagrams for
Lewis Diagrams, VSEPR
Homework: Drawing Lewis Diagrams
Group Activity: Bonding (PDF) (courtesy of USM PLTL program)

Organic Chemistry Modeling

Activity: Organic Modeling 1 (html)
Assignment: Build the models on the back of the handout (not available electronically). Building all 8 is worth 70%. Each additional model you build is worth 5 points up to a total of 100%.
Activity: Organic Modeling 2 (html)
Article about NASCAR racing from ChemMatters (html)
Project: Research about the Chemistry of NASCAR (html)

Chemical Equations

Lecture Notes: Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations (html)
Activity: the Mole, Chemical Equations, and Solutions
Group Activity: Balancing Chemical Equations (html)
Extra Credit: Balance Chemical Equations (html)
Lab: Finding an Empirical Formula (html)
Lab: Theoretical vs. Actual Yield (html)


Lecture Notes: Stoichiometry (html)
Group Activity: Stoichiometry (html)
Lab: Theoretical vs. Actual Yield (html)
Extra Credit: solve stoichiometry problems for a homework grade (html)

Gas Laws

Activity: Temperature (html)
Group Activity: Gas Laws Introduction (html)
Group Activity: Gas Laws Problem Set 1 (html)
Group Activity: Gas Laws (html)
Lab: Boyle’s Law (html)
Lab: Mass of a Text Book (html)
Lab: Molar Volume of a Gas at Room Temperature and Pressure (html)
Lab: The Gas Laws in Action (html)
Lab: Illustrating the Gas Laws Graphically--advanced (html)


Lecture Notes: Solutions (html)
Group Activity: Solutions (html)
Activity: the Mole, Chemical Equations, and Solutions
Lab: Conductivity (html)
Lab: Solubility of Salt in Polar and Non-polar Solvents (html)
Lab: Salt, Ice and the Coldest Mixture (html)

Chemical Equilibrium

Lecture Notes: Equilibrium I (html)
Group Activity: Equilibrium I (html)
Lecture Notes: Equilibrium II (html)
Group Activity: Equilibrium II (html)


Thermodynamic vs. Kinetic Stability


Chemical Kinetics Basic Reference

Interesting Articles, etc.

Article about the viability of liquid explosives as a tool for terrorists
Article about Flatus from ChemMatters
Article about NASCAR racing from ChemMatters


How to Keep a Good Lab Notebook (html)
Lab: Observing a Candle (html)
Lab: Observing a Candle, Inquiry Style (html)
Lab: Observing a Candle (check-in)
Sample Lab Report for Observing a Candle (doc)
Lab: Soda Straw Balance (html)
Density Lab (PDF)
Lab: Density (Inquiry Style)
Lab: Atomic Mass and Average Atomic Mass
Lab: Beans for Protons and Neutrons
Lab: Thickness of Al Foil and Diameter of a Cu Wire
Lab: The Size of a Molecule
Lab: Theoretical Yield in Stoichiometry (html)
Lab: Boyle’s Law (html)
Lab: The Molar Volume of H2 (html)
Lab: The Gas Laws in Action (html)
Lab: Illustrating the Gas Laws Graphically--advanced (html)
Lab: Mass of a Text Book (html)
Lab: Extracting Iron from Fortified Cereal (PDF)
Lab: Iron/Copper Redox Stoichiometry (html)
Lab: Glurch and Oobleck (Colloid Chemistry) (html)
Lab: Shapes and the Rutherford Scattering Experiment
Lab: Introduction to the Conservation of Matter
Lab: The Conservation of Matter (Citric Acid and Baking Soda) (html)
Lab: Introduction to the Bunsen Burner (html)
Instructions for the Bunsen Burner (html)
Lab: Solubility of NaCl in Water and Isopropyl Alcohol
Lab: Salt, Ice and the Coldest Mixture (html)
Lab: Calorimetry (html)
Pre-lab: Atomic Emission Lamps
Lab: Atomic Emission Lamps
Emission Spectrum Data Recording Page (PDF)
Pre-lab: Flame Tests
Lab: Flame Tests
Lab: Dialysis (html)
Lab: Hard Water (html)
Preparing for the Lab: the Size of a Molecule
Lab: Size of a Molecule (html)


Course Home Page, Physics 3
Course Overview Documents
SHS Physics 3 Overview
Three-ring Binder Information
Lab Notebook Information
Common Lab Report Format (SHS) (Word doc)
Lab Report Writing Information
Alternate Grade Scale for Labs/Projects

Math Skills

Lab: Physics Measurement (doc)
Group Activity: SI Conversions 1 (html)
Group Activity: SI Conversions 2 (html)
Conversions Homework (PDF)
Conversion Competition (PDF)
Dimensional Analysis Notes and Practice (doc)
Group Activity: Dimensional Analysis (html)
Dimensional Analysis Homework (html)
Group Activity: Size of the Solar System (html)


Excel: Graphing Ticker Tape Data (xls)
Lab: Free Fall (using gravity to measure the height of an object) (html)
Lab: Acceleration and Distance—Rolling Ball (html)
Excel: Rolling Ball Spreadsheet Example (xls)
Lab: F = ma Cart Lab (doc) from G. Bither
Lab: Atwood’s Machine (html)
Lab: Physics Measurement (doc) from G. Bither
Lab: Projectile Motion (doc) from G. Bither
Excel: Projectile Motion Spreadsheet Example (xls)
Lab: Friction (html)
Lab: Measuring the Speed of Sound (html) from G. Bither
Lab: Moment of Inertia (doc) from G. Bither
Lab: Angular Momentum (doc) from G. Bither

Kinematics (Physics of Motion)

Kinematics Equations (html)
Graphing Slopes: Relation between Velocity and Acceleration (xls)
Lab: Free Fall (using gravity to measure the height of an object) (html)
Lab: Acceleration and Distance—Rolling Ball (html)
Excel: Rolling Ball Spreadsheet Example (xls)
Excel: Graphing Ticker Tape Data (xls)
Lab: Projectile Motion (doc)

Newton’s Laws

Hmwk: Newton’s Laws Part 1 (html)
Hmwk: Newton’s Laws Part 2 (html)
Lab: F = ma Cart Lab (doc)
Lab: Atwood’s Machine (html)
Group Activity: Friction (html)
Homework: Friction (html)
Lab: Friction (html)


Lab: Speed of Sound (html)

Rotation, Torque, Angular Momentum

Lab: Moment of Inertia (doc) from G. Bither
Lab: Angular Momentum (doc) from G. Bither
Simple Rotation Worksheet (doc) from G. Bither
Rotational Motion Worksheet (doc) from G. Bither
Rotational Motion Homework (doc) from G. Bither
Homework: Rotation and Angular Momentum (html)


Notes: Gravity (doc) from G. Bither
Worksheet: Universal Law of Gravitation (doc) from G. Bither
Lab: Gravity Simulator (doc) from G. Bither

Electricity and Magnetism

The following are all from G. Bither
Electricity Notes (doc)
Ohm’s Law Lab (doc)
Series & Parallel Circuits Worksheet (doc)
Lab: Series & Parallel Circuits (doc)
Lab: Electric Motor (doc)


Course Home Page, Astronomy


Worksheet: Universal Law of Gravitation (doc) from G. Bither
Lab: Gravity Simulator (doc) from G. Bither

Solar System

Web Assignment: Prove that the Earth is Round (html)
The Motions of the Sun
The Size of the Sun
Project: Motions of the Moon
Activity: Size of the Solar System
The Size and Scale of the Solar System
Asteroids, Part I
Asteroids, Part II
Asteroids, Part III
Asteroid Facts Worksheet
Asteroids: What should be done about Apophis?

Activity: Orbits and Ellipses.
Demo: Blue Sky, Red Sunset
Activity: The Planets an on-line research activity


A List of Constellations
Introduction to the Planisphere, Part I
Planisphere, Part II
Questions about Sky Motion
Questions about the Stars
Questions about the Stars 2
Exploring Astronomy Online
Web Assignment: Sky View Café Link for Sky View Café

Latitude, Longitude and the Seasons

Activity: Latitude and Longitude
Introduction to the Seasons
Basic Coordinates and Seasons Module (from NAAP, not by me)
Questions: Motions of the Sun

Phases of the Moon

Observation Assignment: Observe the Phases of the Moon
Moon Phases: Hand-held Simulator
Phases of the Moon
Moon Phases and Rise and Set Times
Use the NAAP Moon Simulator and these questions:
Moon Phases with Simulator
Here is an illustration that helps to explain why the cycle of the Moon’s Phases is 29.5 days but the time it takes for the Moon to orbit the Earth is only 27.3 days.
Moon Poster Project.
Moon Poster Grading Rubric

Useful Information


Group Work Defined

Working in small groups to solve problems is a great way to learn science. Here are a few documents to give group work some shape and definition so that it can be a self-regulating learning tool:
Group Work Definitions
Group Work Process
Group Work Observer Form
Group Work Recorder Form
Group Work Presenter Grading Form

A few useful links

Chemistry Links
Periodic Table (PDF) from Link goes outside the Scarborough School Department Web Site
Periodic Table Image suitable for printing
Periodic Table colored by groups from Link goes outside the Scarborough School Department Web Site
Examples of Chemistry Problems
Vapor Pressure of Water Data
A fully-functional scientific calculator for chemistry including a table of useful constants.
A Partial Bibliography of works consulted
And here’s a useful download: a program that will quickly and easily convert units for you. Download and unzip to use.

Teachers and other Professionals:

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Last updated: Feb 13, 2011       Home